Where Is The Serial Number On A British Birth Certificate

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This is where your Birth Certificate Reference Number is watch. Birth Certificate Reference Number; Confused (possibly needlessly) Have I done something wrong?
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Where's the serial number on a birth certificate? - serial number on a uk birth certificate serial number
In through the process of applying for a provisional license in the UK with my birth certificate, NI card and my passport is currently not working.
The application form for the type of indetification () registered as a birth certificate, but also requires a serial number. In the form of three groups of numbers.
At the top is an alphanumeric entry for 'number'. This is the upper left corner of the page and consists of 3 capital letters followed by a space and followed by 6 numbers.
Also high on the right side of the page if the alphanumeric others. This time, they have followed in 4 bold capital letters, followed by a space and 6 numbers.
Finally, it is an alphanumeric code, passing in the middle of the underside of the document is wrCircumcised XXXXXXX XXXXX XX / XX XXXXXX XYYYY. Replace 'X' with numbers and 'Y' with the letter.
What is the serial number that I use for my model of the provisional certificate?