Resident Evil 4 Cheat Edition Ps2 Iso Torrent
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Beat Game Fast!!!!
You cannot use this trick the first time you play. But after you beat the game you unlock the infinite launcher buy it and when you fight saddler after you take out a few eyes Ada will throw a special rocket launcher don't use it what ever you do then when you restart again you should b teleported to the saddler fight then you beat the game. I don't reccomend using the trick but it is pretty cool.
Raising Hit Ratio
To raise your hit ratio you need to do a fewthings.
1. Beat the story mode once
2. Beat ada's story (seperate ways) (this unlocksthe two things you need)
3. Gain 1, 000, 000 ptas and buy the Chicagotypewriter
4. Start a new game on old game and choose secretcostume 2.
Once you do all this once you get Ashley, she willbe in her knight armor and can't be killed sojust shoot her as long as you want and it willcount as a hit but she will not die.
Save Your Ammo
![Resident Evil 4 Cheat Edition Ps2 Iso Torrent Resident Evil 4 Cheat Edition Ps2 Iso Torrent](
First you shoot there leg then if able kick, fankick, or suplex then when they're down, use yourknife.
Unlockable Weapon: Matilda
A 3-round burst fire pistol, perfect fordropping an enemy quickly although it usesammunition rather quickly. It will set you back agood 70,000 ptas.
Beating The Mercenaries (on Any Character)
Start any mission then (depending on the mission) either kill the level boss or get a crowd formed and get a time bonus. All of the characters have their own special weapon or ability (leon/shotgun) (wesker/thrustpunch/magnum) (krauser/arm attack/bow) (HUNK/custom tmp/neckbreak{yes its a one hit kill attack}) (ada/semi auto rifle).
Flash Geanades Instead Of Bullets
If you are shooting a zombie and there head blows off, then a parasite will bust through but fear not! If you don't want to waste bullets, take out a flash grenade throw it and his/her head will automatically explode, then they will die. (note: heads have to be exploded, will not kill then if the head is intact).
Most Valuble Treasure
To get a treasure that is worth 48,000 pesetas,you will need to pick up the crown on the deadmonks hand at the sewer part of that spiketrapthat salazar traps you with. Then when youfight the roach-guy, try to kill him and youwill get a green and gold jewel. To get the lastpart of the crown, you must get past the hugehammer trap to get to a stone elevator. There isan insignia on it. Combine all the jewels to getthe salazar family crown and it is worth 48,000pesetas!
Defeating Krauser
Lots of people say you can't kill Krauser with arocket launcher but you can. Aim your rocketlauncher at Krauser's knees he should die if youdon't have a rocket launcher. Slice and dice himwith your knife when he gets close to you. Note:don't forget to dodge.
How To Annoy Ashley
If you tilt the camera to look up Ashley'sdress, and she will tell you so. It's not usefulat all, but is is very useful if you likeannoying people
3 Great Ways To Save Ammo!!!
These are incredibly useful in professional mode, #1: If you select costume 2 at the beginning of the game ashley will be wearing armor. The ganodos can't hurt her or pick her up. So take her out in the open areas were the ganado will try to grab her. They'll fall down and you can knife them till they die. #2: Climb up a ladder and knife the ganado as they climb up. #3: Shoot a ganado a few times in the arms or legs then suplex them. (this also stops the parasites from coming out of their heads. Download driver allwinner a33. ).
Killing The Monk
To kill the monk without letting him get to thegattling gun you must first chase him he runsinto the room with the monk with a shield. Turnaround head for the door that is locked but beforeyou get there there is a spot where you can jumpdown to the ground floor. Run into the door wherethe monk is in then hurry up and shoot him.Note: try killing him with a tmp this way youdon't have the guns recoil.
Almost Unstoppable
After you beat the game with Leon and Ada you get2 costumes and infinite weapons. Select costume 2,buy a vest, the Chicago typewriter, and later theinfinite launcher and you wont have to worry aboutammo, Ashley's health, or losing lots of health.
First Level
On the first level, when your in the house andthe undead are trying to get in, people normallythink they have to use the door. You don't, usethe window to the right of the door.
Fire Dragon Room
When you enter the 'Fire Dragon room' instead ofusing the rocket laucher to take down the metaldragons, simply shoot at the chains that therehanging from with your rifle! This way you notonly saves you a launch, but also thefrustration if you happen to miss the shot!
Jet Ski Fun!
At the end of the game after killing Saddler youget to use a Jet Ski! It is really fun.
Luis Kills You
If you attack Luis too many times a cut screenwill appear and Luis will shoot you in the chest.
Broken Butterfly In Castle
When you are in the area where you are just aboutto see the intermission sequence with Luis dying,there will be a door that lets you know that youwill need another person for it. After you getAshley back, return to this door. Give Ashley apiggyback and she will open the door. Inside willbe a lot of treasure, and the powerful BrokenButterfly. You do not have to buy it from themerchant or sell it for money.
Unlockable Weapon: The Chicago Typewriter
A tompson machinegun witha firepower of 10 and unlimited ammunition wiothno reload can be unlocked for purchase at themerchant by completing the game, as well ascompleting the Separate Ways campaign with Ada Wong.
How To Kill All Of The Bosses And Sub-Bosses
Lets start with Dr. Salvador. You go in the house with the door open. After the cut scene, you go up stairs and grab the shot gun and ammo. Then go out the window with two people the jump out. Then go on the other side of the house roof then blast whoever away. Next is Del Lago. Use the spears to hit him and when you are about to hit something turn right always. Now El Gigante. Level up your TMP as much as you can. Then keep shooting him until he gets down then slash the Plaga on his back. Next is the Bella sisters. Do the same and Dr. Salvador. The Chief is hard but easy. You buy a rocket launcher before the battle and have a flash grenade. Firts you use the TMP on his first stage then on his second stage you flash bang and right when you do that shoot him with the rocket launcher. Next is the claw guy. Keep knifing the bells the rifle the plaga on his back. Now Verdugo. Get the broken butterfly then the striker. Level either one up. The use the tanks all over the place and when there are no more tanks use the broken butterfly. Ramon Salazar is easy. Shoot the eye of the thing then use a rocket launcher on him then he is dead. J . J is also easy sorta. Use the rifle and flash grenades and hand grenades. Krauser Is difficult to beat but if you do this correctly you can beat him easy. When you dodge his attack run towards him and keep knifing. Should take about 13 knife hits to kill him. Last But Not Least Is SADDLER. ALL YOU NEED IS THE MINE THROWER LEVELED UP ALL THE WAY AND A ROCKET LAUNCHER. SHOOT SADDLER 1 TIME WITH THE MINE THROWER THEN GET ON HIM THEN SHOOT HIM AGAIN BUT THIS TIME WHEN HE IS DOWN SHOOT HIM WITH THE ROCKET LAUNCHER. AT THAT POINT ADA WILL THROW THE SPECIAL LAUNCHER. YOU CAN USE THAT OR KEEP USING THE MINE THROWER. I hoped this helped a lot.
How To Make A Parasite Go Away
To make the parasite (things that cut you) go away in one shot shoot it where it is beating with a red9 and that is the first choose the second is when they come throw a flash grenade that should do it now go out there and kill those son of a $*%$s.
How To Kill Infected Wolfs In Two Shots
Get on the boat, throw two harpoons at the wolfs. And that should do it.
Secret Passage
After you defeat the giant fish, there will be a secret passage with two blue lights. Go in it and there will be a merchant. Go up the steps but do not go in the building. Turn left, and you will see a box. Go toward it and push it, and there will be three containers. Crush them and turn right and climb up the ladder. There will be another box, push it straight. Then turn right, there will be another box. Turn left and turn right. You will see two containers. Crush both of them and when you get to the last turn turn right. There will be a secret passage to get rifle ammo. And grab it. That's it.
1 Lava 2 Kills
After you defeat the chain saw and you get to the part with to giants go up the ladder slide down (do it repeatedly)and when the to giants are in the same spot where you make a hole of lava they will both die (but do not stand to close to the lava after the giant are in wait till the top closes because they will grab you so be careful).
How To Kill Salzar In Two Shots
First, get a mine thrower and shoot close to the eye (or on the eye), get out your rocket launcher, aim and shoot salzar.
Helpful Doggie
The little dog in the trap in the beggining (don't shoot the poor doggie) help the doggie and when you fight the giant I call rio grande the dog helps but he just distracts the giant!
Easy Beggining Level
After using the binoculars on the beginning level (with Leon), run towards the tower up ahead. If you r on easy when they throw Molotovs (exploding bottles), u will not die. If you r on pro you will have to b careful, Anyway if you wait awhile up there Ada will ring the bell and the zombies go away. NOTE:do not wast ammo up there.
Pass The First Part Of The Village Without Dying
As you enter the first part of the village soon after you begin the game, instead of firing any shots and dying, run to the tower and clime up, stay there until the bell rings. You will get hurt from the Molotovs but even if you run out of health in your health bar, you will not die. After the bell rings and they leave, you don't have to worry about anybody. Collect all the items in the village and head off to the next part of the game.
Deafeating The Phycho Chainsaw
Note:he usually appears at game start. Leon: run around and look for at least 2 grenades (if you can't find those then use the red barrels) it may take a minute and it may look like hes not taking damage when you shoot him with the shotgun but he is (he just doesnt stumble easily). Ada: run to the roof of the building with the slider on it (just incase) wait for him to get in sight and shoot him with the sniper (he will stumble when you shoot him). Krauser: simple press R2, aim and kill. HUNK: toss a few grenades at him (i don't know if using a flash grenade to stun him and snap his neck will work I havnt tried it) he should die after 2 or 3 grenades. Wesker: don't use the magnum it doesnt make him stumble (that can be fatal) use the sniper instead (basically you're doing the same thing that you did with ada.
Killing Sadler W/ Leon
Shoot his arm w/ the open eye ball and then when it says (cut) at the bottom of the screen press the (x) button to cut sadlers big eye. Then run under him and get behind him and repeat.
How To Kill The Big Cheese
When it is time to kill the man with the long beard [the big cheese] shoot at the brown part where his stomach meets his waste. Then when he is on the banisters shoot his extra arms that help him stay up. You get 30, 000 in money for killing him, plus you get is glass eye that unlocks after you face the giant the 2nd time.
Killing Predator Clone (Salazar's Right Hand)
If you want to kill him/it quickly just run into the room before he even jumps down (note: you will have to keep dodging him, he will try to hit you from above) then run to the power box turn it on. Then the shutters will close, run to the press click to open them (then it will say not for a few minuets) at the same time the Right Hand will jump down in a video mode. After that just run past him knock over the NL2 (Red tank you see when you walked in) then when he's frozen, hit him with rocket launcher (if you don't have infinite but the one shot one from the merchant after you fall into the hole, if you miss him he unfreezes better to have infinite rocket launcher just in case).
Killing Predator Clone (Salazar's Right Hand)
First, after you fall into the hols with the spikes, go to the merchant and but the rocket launcher. ( have it equipped the whole time, its faster this way) Then go up the ladder and keep going strait. (note: there will be a movie when the right hand will run toward the door but he does not get you) After opening the door keep going forward until you get to a room all the way at the end of the hall (he will try to hit you from above and below make sure to dodge him! ) Then run all the way to the power source in the right far corner of the room, turn it on. (shutters will close) then run to the shutters and click to open them (he will jump down) Run to the red tank you saw when you walked in knock it over (this will freeze him) as soon as you knock it over take out rocket launcher and shoot him.
The Flash Is Mightier Than The Bang!
Resident Evil 4 Cheat Edition In Pc Games
Many time is Re4, a flash grenade is a powerful weapon. Example: A flash grenade will knock one of those guys who look like wolverine down so his Los Plagos host is showing, I have heard it does the same to El Giganto.
Killing Krauzer The Easy Way
You could use this hint on normal or professional. The easiest way to kill Krauzer is to slice him with you knife and dodge his insane attacks then when he is about to kick you take out your knife and slice him (as this does magnum damage) when he falls to the ground on his knees slice him in the head or face and he will go down in seconds, Try to get him close to a wall or a cliff so he doesn't have enough room to do his insane attacks. Using your guns will just waste your ammo on him on professional mode because it will be harder to hit him with your guns than using your knife. (Normal Mode you will not use alot of ammo but its still better to use your knife).
Ashley As A Distraction
When you beat the game twice and get the special costume 2 use the costume throughout the game to use Ashley as a distraction because she has armor and cannot be killed no matter what. Tell Ashley to wait and let the zombies try to get her when they drop her and fall to the ground cut them with your knife to save ammo and kill them.
Fight With Salazar
2 easy hits: one mine thrower shot to eyedtentacle, one rocket to Salazar when he emerges.Pretty much everything in the game is killedwith one rocket. Everything but saddler himselfand IT.
Easy Kills
For some reason, when you are at the chapterwhere you get special help from Mike (the guy inthe helicopter) you can kill the guys with only 5handgun bullets if you shoot them in the legs. Ikilled them with the regular handgun that wasupgraded to 2.0, this is a really useful tip ifyour trying to save ammo or trying to beat thegame at a certain time limit.
Easy Kill The First El Gigante
To kill the first el gigante really easy, buy a rocket launcher from the merchant and equip it at the beginning of the battle. Now aim it at the giants chest and fire away. This will be a one hit kill.
When you get to the garbage room towards themiddle/end of game, the you first room you comeinto has a lever. Go up next to it and press x.Then you should be able to use the crane to killthree people. Four if your careful.
Saving Ammo
If you are being chased by zombies, climb up aladder. Then, wait for them to start climbing. Cutthem with your knife. They will fall off theladder, [repeat]. This saves ammo.
Fighting The Huge Roach Guy That Is Super Fast
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When you are waiting for the elevator to openyou will have to fight him. Go near one ofthose tanks and when he is near you click theaction button(x) and it will freeze him. Thencontinue to fire rounds at him. (I preferedthe one shot kill of the bazooka).
Beat Saddler Easier
If you want to beat Saddler easier just use theMine Thrower, as long as the mine sticks to hisbody he'll get stunned by the explosion and ifyou have enough ammo you won't even have tooperate the machines or blow his eyes out to stunhim.
Get Infrared Vision
Are you tired of wasting your ammo trying to killthe 'Regenerators'? If you are, after your firstencounter with one them go inside the freezerroom turn right on the first room to unfreeze theroom and then go to the second, open the case andyou'll find the infrared scope. Now you can findtheir weak spots.
Get The Handcannon
In order to get the Handcannon you must beat allstages with all characters in a 5 stars rankingfor the Mercenaries. The best thing about it isthat you get it for free and if you fullycustomized it'll have a firepower of 99.9 andunlimited ammo.
El Gigantie (Second Time)
After the farm house with Luis go to the rightpath to th monster it's easier. If you save yourmoney buy a rocket launcher to kill him him inone shot or shoot the boulder and kick thechained door. after the shacks run to the rightwhile running to the other door. Kick the dooruntil it breaks. It should be right behind you sorun. Run back to the shacks. If you ran to theright earlier the shacks should be destroud. Pickup all the iteams and you'll get a key. The keyunlocks a door to get away from the monster.
Ashley In Armor
When you beat the game for the second time andyou play it a third you come to the screen whereyou can choose your special costume choosespecial costume two. When you rescue Ashley sheis in a suit of armor it looks quite funny butit is actually quite useful Ashley can not gethurt at all even rocket launchers don't affecther. plus when the bad guys try to carry heraway she is to heavy for them to carry her awaythis great because you don;t have to worry abouther health and save it all for yourself. thismake the game much easier for you to beatbecause you wont die for not healing her orprotecting her from bad guys.
Shootig Game
On the castle after Ashley helps you with thetwo planks, to elevate some blocks from thewater and make some sort of a bridge, you reacha save place, there you can find a blue door atthe left of the room behind the stairs. When youenter you can see the merchant behind a desk,the game can only be played with the guns thathe have. After you've reached an amount ofpoints you win bottle caps like one with AdaWong, they also have sounds. The prizes can beseen on the treasure/key menu.
Sell That Gun For A Little More
Has there ever been a time when you want to goto the merchant and sell one gun for another butyou don't have enough? Well worries are over allyou have to do is just reload, and it will beworth a little more.
Evil Game Trick (The Game Will Cheat You)
When you reach the town where Leon gets a calland you are allowed at the begging of the levelto use the binoculars, don't start wastingbullets. Use the map to find the destinationmarker.Get your gum ready and unload bullets atthe chainsaw enemy and the one next to him tillthey die. Now run around and try not to getkilled for a while. Go behind by where the cowsare and you should trigger a cutscene where thebell chimes and the enemies go away. If it doesntwork try killing some enemies (make sure you savea good amount of ammo) or first try to run aroundfor a few minutes.
When you rescue Ashley she will be besides youall the time, she is on the risk of being takenaway and if that happends you loose the game.Tere are some parts that have big trash cans,get near one and press L2 to make Ahlsey hide init, that way you can clear the area withouthaving too much trouble. Remember don't let thezombies take Ashley away.
The Punisher!
After you get to the village and all the zombiesgo away to pray, your next stop is a farm, thereare some blue medallions hanging, get ten ormore of those medallions and the merchant willgive you the Punisher. This is a fully automaticweapon that is more powerfull than the handgun.Note: The medallions are not only on the farmthere are more on the cementary. There are onlyseven on the farm.
Need help with the first 'El gigante'?
There is a dog at the very biginning of thegame, he is stuck in a bear trap, do not shoothim just get near him and the action comandappears in the screen push the X. Then whenyou're going to fight 'el gigante' #1, the dogwill appear and help you drawing the attentionof the monster.Note: Before the dog appear you'll need to shootsome rounds to the giant.
Unlockable Weapon: Infinite Rocket Launcher
Whats better than a zombie owning shotgun? An infinite rocket launcherof course! Simply beat the game once and theinfinite rocket launcher will be available forpurchase at the merchant. If of course you cancome up with 1,000,000 ptas ^_~
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Unlimited P.R.L 412 (Parasit Removal Laser)
To unlock the P. R . L 412 beat the game on professional mode.
Unlimted Hand Cannon
Beat the game with Leon 4 times and with Ada 3times.
Unlock The Chicago Typewriter For Ada In Seprate Ways
To unlock the Chicago Typewriter for Ada in Separate Ways you have to beat it once then it will be availible ant the merchant for 300, 000 ptas.
We have no easter eggs for Resident Evil 4 yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no glitches for Resident Evil 4 yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
Created by: Gam3 Fr3ak.Read the full guide..
Created by: Slayer.Read the full guide..
Jump to navigationJump to searchResident Evil 4 | |
Developer(s) | Capcom Production Studio 4 |
Publisher(s) |
Director(s) | Shinji Mikami |
Producer(s) | Hiroyuki Kobayashi |
Designer(s) | |
Programmer(s) | Kiyohiko Sakata |
Writer(s) | Shinji Mikami |
Composer(s) | Misao Senbongi |
Series | Resident Evil |
Platform(s) | |
Release |
Genre(s) | Survival horror, third-person shooter |
Mode(s) | Single-player |
Resident Evil 4[a] is a survival horror game developed and published by Capcom. The sixth major installment in the Resident Evil series, it was originally released for the GameCube in 2005. Players control U.S. government special agent Leon S. Kennedy, who is sent on a mission to rescue the U.S. president's daughter Ashley Graham, who has been kidnapped by a cult. In a rural part of Europe, Leon fights hordes of villagers infected by a mind-controlling parasite, and reunites with the spy Ada Wong.
Development began for PlayStation 2 as early as 1999. Resident Evil 4 underwent a long development during which four proposed versions were discarded; the first attempt was directed by Hideki Kamiya after producer Shinji Mikami. The game was announced as a GameCube exclusive as part of the Capcom Five, but a PlayStation 2 version was announced before it was released. Resident Evil 4 was ported to Windows, Wii, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch and in downsized versions for iOS, Zeebo, and Android.
Resident Evil 4 garnered critical acclaim, with praise for its narrative, gameplay, voice acting, and characters. It received multiple Game of the Year awards for 2005 and was seen as a successful cross-platform hit that influenced the evolution of the survival horror and third-person shooter genres. It pioneered the 'over the shoulder' third-person view perspective in video games. It is widely considered to be one of the best video games of all time. A sequel, Resident Evil 5, was released in 2009.
- 3Development
- 4Release
- 5Reception
Departing significantly from the series' previous games, the player controls the protagonist, Leon S. Kennedy, from a third-person perspective. The gameplay focuses on action and shootouts with fewer survival horror elements. The camera is placed behind Leon and zooms in for an over-the-shoulder view when aiming a weapon, or a first-person view when aiming with a sniper rifle.[1] There is no crosshair for firearms, instead, every firearm has a laser sight. Unlike previous games where players can only shoot straight, up or down, players have more options. For example, shots to the feet can cause enemies to stumble, and shots to the arms can make them drop their weapons. Players can shoot down projectiles like thrown axes or scythes.[2]
Resident Evil 4 adds context-sensitive controls. Based on the situation, players can interact with the environment: kicking down a ladder, jumping out of a window, dodging an attack or executing a 'finishing move' on weakened enemies. There are also quick time events, in which the player must press buttons indicated on-screen to execute actions such as dodging a falling boulder or wrestling an enemy to stay alive. These are often incorporated into the game's many boss fights, in which the player must avoid instant-kill attacks.[3]
The main enemies are violent villagers referred to as Los Ganados ('The Cattle' in Spanish). Los Ganados can dodge, wield melee and projectile weapons, and are capable of working collectively and communicating with each other.
The inventory system features a grid system, represented by an attaché case, that has each item take up a certain number of spaces. The case can be upgraded several times, allowing for more space. Weapons, ammunition, and healing items are kept in the case, while key items and treasures are kept in a separate menu. Items may be bought from and sold to a merchant that appears in various locations. He sells first aid sprays, weapons, allows for weapons to be upgraded and buys various treasures that Leon finds. The various weapons each have their own advantages and disadvantages.[4][5]
Capcom added content for the PlayStation 2 version, which was later incorporated into the PC and Wii releases. The largest addition is 'Separate Ways', a minigame which focuses on Ada Wong's involvement in Resident Evil 4 and her connection to the series' villain Albert Wesker.[6] 'Ada's Report', a five-part documentary, analyzes Ada's relationship with Wesker and his role in the plot.[7] Other unlockable content in all versions includes the minigames 'The Mercenaries' and 'Assignment Ada' (using Ada to retrieve Las Plagas samples), new costumes for Leon and Ashley, new weapons, and a cutscene browser.[8]
Six years after the events of Resident Evil 2, former Raccoon City police officer turned US government agent Leon S. Kennedy (Paul Mercier) is sent on a mission to rescue Ashley Graham (Carolyn Lawrence), the U.S. President's daughter, who has been kidnapped by a mysterious cult.[9] He travels to a nameless rural village in an unspecified part of Europe, where he encounters a group of hostile villagers who pledge their lives to Los Illuminados ('The Enlightened Ones' in Spanish), the cult that kidnapped Ashley. The villagers were once simple farmers until becoming infected by a mind-controlling parasite known as Las Plagas ('The Plague' in Spanish).[10]
While in the village, Leon is captured by its chief, Bitores Mendez, and injected with Las Plagas.[11] He finds himself held captive with Luis Sera (Rino Romano), a former Los Illuminados researcher.[12] The two work together to escape, but soon go their separate ways. Leon finds out Ashley is being held in a church and rescues her.[13] They both escape from the church after Osmund Saddler (Michael Gough), leader of the Los Illuminados, reveals his plan to use the plaga they injected into Ashley to manipulate her into injecting the president of the United States with the 'sample' (a Master Plaga) once she returns home, allowing Saddler to begin his conquest of the world.[14] After killing Mendez, Leon and Ashley try to take refuge in a castle but are attacked by more Illuminados under the command of Ramon Salazar (Rene Mujica), another of Saddler's henchmen who owns the castle,[11] and the two become separated by Salazar's traps. Meanwhile, Luis searches for pills that will slow Leon and Ashley's infection, as well as a sample of Las Plagas. He brings the two items to Leon but is killed by Saddler, who takes the sample, while the pills to suppress the infection remain in Leon's hands.[15] While in the castle, Leon briefly encounters Ada Wong (Sally Cahill), a woman from his past who supports him during his mission. He then battles his way through the castle before finally killing Salazar.[16]
Afterward, Leon travels to a nearby island research facility, where he continues the search for Ashley. He soon discovers that one of his former training comrades, Jack Krauser (Jim Ward), who was believed to have been killed in a helicopter crash two years prior, is responsible for her kidnapping.[17] It is eventually revealed that both Ada and Krauser are working with Albert Wesker (Richard Waugh), for whom both intend to secure a Plagas sample.[18] Suspicious of the mercenary's intentions, Saddler orders Krauser to kill Leon, believing that no matter which one dies, he will benefit.[19] After Krauser's fatal defeat, Leon rescues Ashley, and they remove the Plagas from their bodies using a specialized radiotherapeutic device. Leon finally confronts Saddler, and with Ada's help, manages to kill him. However, Ada takes the sample from Leon at gunpoint before escaping in a helicopter,[20] leaving Leon and Ashley to escape via her jet-ski as the island explodes.[21]
Scrapped versions[edit]
In 1999, producer Shinji Mikami said a Resident Evil sequel was in development for PlayStation 2.[22]Resident Evil 4 underwent a lengthy development, during which at least four versions of the game were discarded.[23] The first version was directed by Hideki Kamiya.[24] Around the turn of the millennium,[25]Resident Evil 2 writer Noboru Sugimura created a scenario for the game,[26] based on Kamiya's idea to make a 'cool' and 'stylish' action game.[27] The story was based on unraveling the mystery surrounding the body of protagonist Tony,[28] an invincible man with skills and an intellect exceeding that of normal people, with his superhuman abilities explained with biotechnology.[25] As Kamiya felt the playable character did not look brave and heroic enough in battles from a fixed angle, he decided to drop the prerendered backgrounds from previous installments and instead opted for a dynamic camera system.[24] This new direction required the team to make a trip to Europe, where they spent 11 days in the United Kingdom and Spain, photographing things like Gothic statues, bricks, and stone pavements for use in textures.[29][30] Though the developers tried to make the 'coolness' theme fit into the world of Resident Evil,[31] Mikami felt it strayed too far from the series' survival horror roots and gradually convinced all of the staff members to make the game independent from it. Kamiya eventually rewrote the story to be set in a world full of demons and changed the hero's name to Dante.[25] The cast of characters remained largely identical to that in Sugimura's scenario,[32] although the hero's mother[33] and his father,[34] the latter an early version of the Umbrella Corporation founder Lord Ozwell E. Spencer,[35][36] were written out of the story. The game's new title was revealed as Devil May Cry, released for the PlayStation 2 in August 2001,[37] resulting in its own franchise.
Development on Resident Evil 4 started over at the end of 2001.[38] The first announcement was made in November 2002, as one of five games exclusively developed for the GameCube by Capcom Production Studio 4.[39][40] This revision, commonly dubbed the 'fog version', was directed by Hiroshi Shibata[41] and was 40 percent finished at that time.[42] The game saw Leon S. Kennedy struggling to survive[41] after having infiltrated the castle-like Umbrella's main headquarters located in Europe and featured traditional Resident Evil monsters such as zombies.[23][43][44] During the course of the new story which was again written by Sugimura's scenario creation company Flagship,[45] Leon became infected with the Progenitor Virus and possessed a hidden power in his left hand.[23][46][47] The producer of the final version also pointed out that Ashley did not appear back then, though there was a different girl who was never revealed to the public.[23] The game was to feature some first-person elements.[48]
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At E3 2003, another revision was revealed that is widely known as the 'hook man version' now,[49] though titled Maboroshi no Biohazard 4 (幻の「バイオハザード4」, lit. 'The Phantom Biohazard 4') on the Biohazard 4 Secret DVD. During Mikami's introduction of the trailer, he assured that development was proceeding smoothly and claimed the game was scarier than ever before.[49] The story was set in a haunted building where Leon contracted a bizarre disease and fought paranormal enemies, such as animated suits of armor, living dolls, and a ghostlike man armed with a large hook.[43][49] The game had an otherworldly feel to it, containing elements like flashbacks and hallucinations that were marked by a bluish tint and a shaking camera.[23] It also displayed various gameplay mechanics that carried over to the final release, like the over-the-shoulder camera and a laser sight for aiming in battles and quick time events.[49] Other features, such as dialogue choices, were removed later.[23] Though ultimately scrapped, five minutes of gameplay footage for this version was released on the Biohazard 4 Secret DVD, a Japanese pre-order bonus given out in January 2005.[50]
The Hallucination version had only a basic story concept, having dropped the previous scenario penned by Noboru Sugimura of Flagship. In 2012, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis scenario writer Yasuhisa Kawamura said he was responsible for this version, as he wanted to make Biohazard 4 scarier 'and suggested using a particular scene from the film Lost Souls, where the main character [..] suddenly finds herself in a derelict building with a killer on the loose. An arranged version of this idea eventually turned into Hook Man. The idea went through several iterations as Mr. Sugimura and I carefully refined this world (which, I have to say, was very romantic). Leon infiltrates the castle of Spencer seeking the truth, while inside a laboratory located deep within, a young girl wakes up. Accompanied by a B.O.W. [an abbreviation for 'Bio Organic Weapon' in the series' lore] dog, the two start to make their way up the castle. Unfortunately, there were many obstacles that needed to be overcome and the cost of development was deemed too expensive.' Kawamura added he was very sorry and 'even ashamed' that Mikami had to step in and scrap this version.[51] After this attempt, the last cancelled revision featured classic zombies again. However, it was discontinued after a few months, and before it was ever shown to the public, as the developers felt it was too formulaic.[23]
The story of the Progenitor Virus was eventually covered in Resident Evil 5 and the Spencer Estate became the setting for Resident Evil 5downloadable content (DLC) pack 'Lost in Nightmares' (featuring Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine[52]).
Final version[edit]
Following that, it was decided to reinvent the series.[43] Mikami took over directorial duties from Shibata and began working on the version that was released.[53] In an interview with Game Informer, Mikami explained his decision to shift to a new gameplay system is due to the feeling that the older system is 'more of the same' after playing Resident Evil 0. He says that he only felt nervous once more when playing with the newer system.[54]Speaking for the team, game producer Hiroyuki Kobayashi[53] mentioned how the staff was 'tired of the same thing' [55] and how some got bored and moved on to other projects.[56] In addition to that, the producer also felt that the older format was 'stuck in a cookie cutter mold' and described it as 'shackles holding us down'.[57]
However, despite what Kobayashi said, not every single staff member was on the same page about changing the gameplay system. Kobayashi mentioned how some of the development team felt depressed and were hard to motivate after the focus shifted from horror to action.[38] Although Mikami demanded the camera system to be completely revised, the staff members had reservations about making big changes to the series he had created.[58] Eventually, he intervened, explained his proposed changes, and wrote a new story that, unlike previous installments, was not centered on the company Umbrella.[58][59][60] Inspired by Onimusha 3: Demon Siege, a game Mikami had enjoyed playing but felt could have been better with a different view, he decided to place the camera behind the playable character.[61] To go along with the new gameplay and story, a new type of enemy called 'Ganado' was created, as opposed to using the undead creatures from previous Resident Evil games.[60] Furthermore, producers expended additional detail to modify and update characters that had previously appeared in the series. In a documentary explaining the conception of the characters, Kamiya stated he intended to make Leon Kennedy 'look tougher, but also cool'.[62]
The English voice actors recorded their parts in four sessions, over three to four months.[63] Capcom assigned Shinsaku Ohara as script translator and voice over coordinator.[64]Carolyn Lawrence, who provided the voice for Ashley Graham, described her character as 'vulnerable, because Leon has to come to her rescue all the time'.[63] She also described Kennedy's character as 'more brawn, perhaps, than brain'.[63] In addition to the voice acting, the game's designer detailed each cinematic sequence so that each character's facial expressions matched the tone of their voice actor.[62]
Along with Resident Evil: Dead Aim and Resident Evil Outbreak, two side story games that did not fall under the exclusive policy, it was announced on October 31, 2004 that Resident Evil 4 would come to the PlayStation 2 in 2005, citing increased profit, changing market conditions, and increased consumer satisfaction as the key reasons. The PlayStation 2 version included new features, primarily a new sub-game featuring Ada Wong. On February 1, 2006, Ubisoft announced that they would be publishing the game on the PC for Windows.[65] On April 4, 2007, a Wii version was announced and was launched later in the year. The game features all of the extras in the PS2 version, along with other additions, including a trailer for Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles.[66][67]
The original version for the GameCube featured two different collector's editions. The first was available as a pre-order that included the game, the Prologue art book, and a T-shirt. GameStop offered another limited edition that was packaged in a tin box with the art book, a cel of Leon, and a soundtrack CD.[68] Australia received an exclusive collector's edition that came with the game and a bonus disc with interviews and creator's footage.[69]
Resident Evil 4 was ported to the PlayStation 2 after Capcom stated that it did not fall under the exclusivity deal with Nintendo. It was released in North America on October 25, 2005. The largest addition is 'Separate Ways', a new scenario for Ada written by Haruo Murata.[64] According to producer Masachika Kawata, the Separate Ways campaign was something thought up by the PS2 porting team and was added after getting approval from Shinji Mikami.[70] The port was later included with Resident Evil Code: Veronica X and Resident Evil Outbreak as part of the compilation Resident Evil: The Essentials.[71] The PlayStation 2 version featured two standard and collector's bundles from pre-orders. The standard package included the game and a T-shirt, while the collector's bundle also included a figurine of Leon, and the soundtrack Biohazard Sound Chronicle Best Track Box. This quickly sold out, and a second pressing was released that included an Ada figurine. Another, called the Resident Evil 4: Premium Edition, was packaged in a SteelBook media case, along with the art book, a documentary DVD, and a cel art of Ada.[72]
A PC port of Resident Evil 4 developed by Sourcenext was first released in Hong Kong on February 1, 2007, published by Typhoon Games. It was later released in Europe, North America, and Australia in March 2007 and was published by Ubisoft. The port contains the bonus features from the PS2 version, such as 'Separate Ways', the P.R.L. 412 laser cannon and a second set of unlockable costumes for Leon and Ashley, as well as an Easy difficulty level. It also supports multiple widescreen resolutions.[73] The shadow and lighting problems were fixed in the only patch, Version 1.10.[74]
Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition was released for the Wii on May 31, 2007 in Japan and on June 19, 2007 in the United States. It features updated controls that utilize the pointing and motion-sensing abilities of the Wii Remote and Nunchuk, though both the GameCube controller and the Classic Controller are also supported.[67] The Wii Remote is able to aim and shoot anywhere on the screen with a reticle that replaces the laser sight found in the other versions, and motion-based gestures are used to perform some context-sensitive actions, such as dodging or slashing Leon's knife. The Wii Edition also includes the extra content from the PS2 and PC versions, and a trailer for Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles.[66] The Wii Edition became available for download from the Wii U's Nintendo eShop in Europe on October 29, 2015.[75][76]
Resident Evil 4: Mobile Edition was released in Japan for au's BREW 4.0 on February 1, 2008. It was first announced by Capcom at TGS 2007.[77] Differences from the original include changing the flow of the story from being continuous to being divided into sections such as 'Village', 'Ravene', 'Fortress' and 'Subterranean Tunnel'. There is also a more challenging Mercenary Mode.[78][79] The game uses the MascotCapsule eruption engine[80] and was adapted to the Zeebo and iOS platforms.[81][82] On July 13, 2009, without any formal announcement, Resident Evil 4: Mobile Edition was released by Capcom for the iOS platform via the App Store in Japan, but was quickly removed,[83][84] though some players were able to purchase and download it. The game has since been released in Japan and North America.[82] Later, Capcom made an update that had different difficulty levels and high scores. Recently, Capcom released a new separate version called Resident Evil 4 for Beginners, which offers the first two levels (three counting a training level) of both Story Mode and Mercenary Mode. However, the rest of the levels are available for purchase in-game as downloadable content. Due to the release of the iPad, Capcom recreated the iPhone version of Resident Evil 4: Mobile Edition and updated it to HD graphics as Resident Evil 4: iPad Edition.[85]
On March 23, 2011, high-definition remastered versions of both Resident Evil Code: Veronica and Resident Evil 4 were announced to be in development for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, as part of the Resident Evil: Revival Selection series.[86] The ports feature all the bonus content from the previous releases, including 'Separate Ways'. On July 23, 2011, Capcom announced at Comic-Con 2011 that Resident Evil 4 would be released on September 20, 2011[87] for the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Games on Demand.[88] In Japan, Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil Code: Veronica were released on a single disc with the title Biohazard Revival Selection on September 8, 2011.[89] For North America and Europe, both games, including Resident Evil 4 HD, were only released as downloads on Xbox Live Games on Demand and PlayStation Network.[90] On February 27, 2014, Capcom released Resident Evil 4 Ultimate HD Edition for Microsoft Windows. The port features improved graphics and many other enhancements that were included in Resident Evil 4 HD. Resident Evil 4 was re-released on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on August 30, 2016.
In April 2013, Resident Evil 4 was released on Android, but outside of Japan, it is exclusive to Samsung through Samsung Galaxy Apps.[91]
Capcom announced in October 2018 that Resident Evil 4 would be published for the Nintendo Switch sometime in 2019, along with releases of Resident Evil and Resident Evil Zero.[92]
Biohazard 4 Original Soundtrack was released in Japan on December 22, 2005. It contains 62 compositions from the game and the 48-page Visual Booklet with liner notes from composers Shusaku Uchiyama and Misao Senbongi.[93] Other merchandise included figures by McFarlane Toys,[94][95]NECA[96] and Hot Toys.[97]Agatsuma Entertainment has also created various miniature collectibles based on several main characters and enemies from Resident Evil 4.[98] Two special controllers designed to resemble chainsaws were designed by NubyTech for use with the GameCube and PlayStation 2 versions.[99]
Reception | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The GameCube and PlayStation 2 versions of Resident Evil 4 have a score of 96/100 on Metacritic, indicating 'universal acclaim'.[121][123] In addition to the gameplay, the characters and story generally received positive commentary, leading to the finished product being deemed by most as one of the best video games ever made. GameSpot's Greg Kasavin praised the voice acting, but claimed that it was betrayed by 'some uncharacteristically goofy dialogue'.[107]Yahoo! Games' Adam Pavlacka and GameSpot's Kevin VanOrd acclaimed Capcom for adding great amounts of detail to the characters.[110][127]IGN's Matt Casamassina went into further detail in his review for Resident Evil 4, praising not only the detailed character design but also the fight choreography and three-dimensional modeling within cinematic sequences.[115] Casamassina also complimented the voice actors, especially Paul Mercier (Leon), commenting, 'For once, the characters are believable because Capcom has hired competent actors to supply their voices. Leon in particular is very well produced'.[115] IGN and Nintendo Power specifically recognized Resident Evil 4's character design and voice acting. The increased variety of weapons has been praised by gaming publications such as GamePro[128] and Game Over Online.[129]G4 TV show X-Play gave it a 5 out of 5, for introducing a new style of gameplay for the series as well as incorporating moments where the player would have to interact with the cut scenes. Not long after, it was awarded as the best game ever reviewed on the show.[130] The makers of Resident Evil 4 worked on various innovations associated with the use and inventory of weapons.[131] Game Over stated that players can use the vast array of weapons to 'go for headshots now'.[129]Game Informer stated that ammunition is more plentiful in Resident Evil 4 than in other games in the series, making it more action-oriented.[132]
The ratings of the PC port were not as high as for the other versions. It was heavily criticized for no mouse support and frustrating keyboard controls, low-quality FMVcut scenes, choppy graphics rendering (lacks shadows and proper lighting) and requiring a gamepad controller for more precise aiming and gameplay. Despite the problems, the game received generally positive reviews from IGN and GameSpot that praised the gameplay.[108][116] Japanese game magazine Famitsu reviewed the Wii version, with two editors giving it a perfect 10 score, and the remaining pair giving it a 9, resulting in a score of 38 out of 40. The reviewers felt that the new controls offer something fresh. Multiple reviewers agreed that even those who own the original will find something fun and enjoyable in this version.[106] British magazine NGamer gave the Wii Edition a score of 96%,[125] slightly lower than the 97% given to the GameCube version. They praised the visuals, controls, and features and commented on the fact that such an 'exceptional package' was on sale for a low price; however, when writing about the Wii controls, they said, 'if you've played the GC version this won't be as special'. Official Nintendo Magazine gave the Wii version 94%, 3% less than the original due to it simply not having the same impact it did back then.[133] IGN praised the Wii version, stating it is the superior edition, but does not push the Wii like it did with GameCube and PS2.[119] GameSpot praised the new controls of the Wii Edition but commented on the lack of exclusive Wii features.[110]Hyper's Jonti Davies commended Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition for its 'visual improvements' but criticized it for having 'no new content'.[134] The PS3 version of Resident Evil 4 HD received a score of 9.0 from Destructoid, which called it 'a hallmark of excellence'.[135] In their October 2013 issue, Edge retroactively awarded it ten out of ten, one of twenty-three games to achieve a perfect score in the magazine's twenty-year history.[105]
Resident Evil 4 Cheat Edition Ps2 Iso
Resident Evil 4 was named Game of the Year at the 2005 Spike Video Game Awards[136] and by Nintendo Power[120] and Game Informer.[137] It tied with Kingdom Hearts II as Famitsu's Game of the Year 2005.[138]Nintendo Power acknowledged the voice acting in its 2005 Nintendo Power Awards,[139] while IGN gave the game the 'Best Artistic Design' award in its 'Best of 2005' segment.[140] The International Game Developers Association nominated Resident Evil 4 for their best 'Visual Arts' award,[141] but lost the award to Sony's Shadow of the Colossus.[142]
Resident Evil 4 is often considered one of the best video games of all time. Nintendo Power ranked it as number one top best GameCube games of all time' in 2005[120] and also ranked it second on their list of the best games of the 2000s in 2010.[143] In 2008, Resident Evil 4 was also ranked first place in the list of the best video games of all time according to the readers of IGN.[144] In 2009, Game Informer ranked Resident Evil 4 number one on their list of top GameCube games[145] and number three on their list of top PlayStation 2 games.[146]ScrewAttack named Resident Evil 4 the best GameCube game of all time,[147] while GamePro ranked it as the second best game for the PS2.[148] In 2010, the readers of PlayStation Official Magazine voted it the 10th greatest PlayStation game.[149] In 2007, Edge ranked the game at second place in its list of top games of all time, behind only The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.[150] That same year, G4 named it the 21st top video game of all time, calling it 'a modern horror masterpiece.'[151] In 2015, it placed 7th on USgamer's The 15 Best Games Since 2000 list.[152] In early 2006, in their 200th issue, Nintendo Power ranked it in second place in their Top 200 Games of all-time list, also behind only The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
The GameCube version sold over 320,000 copies in North America during the first twenty days. The European release sold its entire 200,000 copies during the first month. By January 2006, over 3,000,000 copies of the GameCube and PlayStation 2 versions had been shipped worldwide.[153] According to January 17, 2007 sales figures provided by Capcom, the GameCube version of Resident Evil 4 has sold a total of 1.6 million copies worldwide, while the PS2 version has sold over 2 million copies.[154] As of September 30, 2011, the PS2 version has sold 2.2 million copies and the Wii Edition has sold 1.9 million copies.[155] According to Capcom's Platinum Titles list, Resident Evil 4 has sold 5.9 million copies across all formats, making it the fourth-bestselling Resident Evil game; it holds the record for 'Best-Selling Survival Horror Game' in the 2012Guinness World Records Gamer's Edition.[156] The PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One sold an additional 1.4 million copies,[157] then all versions of the game sold 7.3 million copies.
Resident Evil 4 is regarded as one of the most influential games of the 2000s decade, due to its influence in redefining the third-person shooter genre[158] by introducing a 'reliance on offset camera angles that fail to obscure the action'.[159] The new gameplay alterations and immersive style appealed to many not previously familiar with the series.[160] The over-the-shoulder viewpoint introduced in Resident Evil 4 has later become standard in third-person shooters, including games ranging from Gears of War to Batman: Arkham Asylum.[158] It has also become a standard 'precision aim' feature for action games in general, with examples ranging from Dead Space and Grand Theft Auto to the Ratchet & Clank Future series and Fallout.[161]
Resident Evil 4 redefined the survival horror genre by emphasizing reflexes and precision aiming,[162] thus broadening the gameplay of the series with elements from the wider action game genre.[163] However, this also led some reviewers to suggest that the Resident Evil series had abandoned the survival horror genre,[164][165] by demolishing the genre conventions that it had established.[166] Other major survival horror series followed suit, by developing their combat systems to feature more action, such as Silent Hill Homecoming[164] and the 2008 version of Alone in the Dark.[167] These changes represent an overall trend among console games shifting towards visceral action gameplay.[168] While working on The Last of Us, Naughty Dog took cues from Resident Evil 4, particularly the tension and action.[169]
- ^Stylized as resident evil 4. Known in Japan as Biohazard 4, stylized as biohazard 4 (Japanese: バイオハザード4Hepburn: baiohazādo 4)
- ^Stanescu, Alexandru (February 1, 2007). 'Resident Evil 4'. Softpedia. Retrieved September 1, 2011.
The camera problems have been finally solved thanks to a very useful over-the-shoulder and behind the player camera that makes the whole aiming process really easy.
- ^ ab'Resident Evil 4 – Gamecube Preview at IGN'. IGN. March 17, 2004. p. 2. Archived from the original on March 4, 2012. Retrieved September 1, 2011.
- ^'Resident Evil 4 Secrets Revealed'. IGN. March 23, 2004. p. 1. Archived from the original on March 4, 2012. Retrieved September 3, 2011.
- ^Mike, Major (October 5, 2005). 'Feature: Resident Evil 4 – Weapons of Mass Destruction Guide'. GamePro. Archived from the original on June 7, 2011. Retrieved September 5, 2011.
- ^Stratton, Stephen (2007). 'Weapons and Items'. Resident Evil 4 (Wii version): Prima Official Game Guide. Prima Games. ISBN0-7615-5701-6.
- ^'Resident Evil 4: Separate Ways'. IGN. September 26, 2005. Retrieved September 3, 2011.
- ^Williams, Bryn (September 26, 2005). 'Previews: Resident Evil 4'. GameSpy. Retrieved September 3, 2011.
- ^Drake, Audrey (September 21, 2011). 'Resident Evil 4 HD Review – PlayStation 3 Review at IGN'. IGN. Retrieved October 20, 2011.
- ^Capcom Production Studio 4 (October 25, 2005). Resident Evil 4. PlayStation 2. Capcom.
Leon: It was right before I was to take on my duties of protecting the President's daughter when she was abducted. That's the ultimate reason I'm in this lonely and rural part of Europe. According to our intelligence, there's reliable information of a sighting of a girl that looks very similar to the President's daughter. Apparently, she's being withheld by some unidentified group of people. Who would have thought my first job would be a rescue mission?
- ^Schedeen, Jesse (February 26, 2009). 'Resident Evil: The Many Looks of the Infected'. IGN. p. 7. Retrieved September 3, 2011.
- ^ abCapcom Production (October 25, 2005). Resident Evil 4. PlayStation 2. Capcom.
Leon: We decided to lay low in a castle, but it looks like it was a bad move. / Hunnigan: Meaning? / Leon: Well it appears that this castle's also connected with the Los Illuminados. They must not get many visitors cuz they're giving me one hell of a welcome. / .. / Saddler: Oh, I believe I forgot to tell you that we gave you the same gift. / Leon: (When I was unconscious.)
- ^Capcom Production Studio 4 (October 25, 2005). Resident Evil 4. PlayStation 2. Capcom.
Sera: That is the incident with the viral outbreak right? I think I might have seen a sample of the virus in the lab at my department.
- ^Capcom Production Studio 4 (October 25, 2005). Resident Evil 4. PlayStation 2. Capcom.
Leon: Calm down. Everything's going to be just fine. My name's Leon, I'm under the President's order to rescue you. / Ashley: What? My father? / Leon: That's right, and have to get you out of here. Come with me.
- ^Capcom Production (October 25, 2005). Resident Evil 4. PlayStation 2. Capcom.
Saddler: If you must know, my name is Osmund Saddler, the master of this fine..religious community. / Leon: What do you want? / Saddler: To demonstrate to the whole world, our astounding power, of course. No longer will the United States think they can police the world forever. So we kidnapped the President's daughter, in order to give her our power, and then send her back.
- ^Capcom Production Studio 4 (October 25, 2005). Resident Evil 4. PlayStation 2. Capcom.
'Saddler: Now that I have the sample, you serve me no purpose. / Leon: Saddler! / Saddler: My boy Salazar will make sure you follow the same fate. / Leon: Stay with me, Luis. / Sera: I am a researcher..hired by Saddler. He found out what I was up to. / Leon: Don't talk. / Sera: Here. It should suppress the growth of the parasite. The sample..Saddler took it. You have to get it back.
- ^Capcom Production Studio 4 (October 25, 2005). Resident Evil 4. PlayStation 2. Capcom.
Leon: You, working with Wesker. / Ada: I see you've been doing your homework.
- ^Capcom Production Studio 4 (October 25, 2005). Resident Evil 4. PlayStation 2. Capcom.
Krauser: I died in the crash two years ago. Is that what they told you? / Leon: You're the one who kidnapped Ashley! / Krauser: You catch on quick. That's expected. After all, both you and I know where we come from. / Leon: What do you want? / Krauser: Hmph. The sample Saddler developed, that's all.
- ^Capcom Production Studio 4 (October 25, 2005). Resident Evil 4. PlayStation 2. Capcom.
Krauser: Saddler's got it. It seems he's sniffed out our little game. / Ada: Perfect. / Krauser: Just so we understand each other clearly, I don't trust you. Nor does Wesker. If you try to do anything clever, I will kill you. / Ada: Is that so? You know, I met Wesker long before you.
- ^Capcom Production Studio 4 (October 25, 2005). Resident Evil 4. PlayStation 2. Capcom.
Leon: Wha? What are you talking about? I thought he was with you. / Saddler: What are you talking about? Did you really think I'd trust an American? To tell you the truth, I was contemplating how to get rid of him. But thanks to you, that's no longer necessary. / Leon:You were just using him right from the start.
- ^Capcom Production Studio 4 (October 25, 2005). Resident Evil 4. PlayStation 2. Capcom.
Ada: Sorry, Leon. Hand it over. / Leon: Ada, you do know what this is.
- ^Capcom Production Studio 4 (October 25, 2005). Resident Evil 4. PlayStation 2. Capcom.
Leon: We have to get off this island now! It's gonna blow any minute.
- ^Perry, Douglass (December 3, 1999). 'Resident Evil Series to Haunt PlayStation 2'. IGN. Retrieved July 17, 2010.
- ^ abcdefgKevin Gifford, Mark MacDonald (April 2005). 'Afterthoughts: Resident Evil 4'. Electronic Gaming Monthly. Ziff Davis Media Inc. (190): 51–52.
- ^ abKamiya, Hideki (July 2001). '新しいバイオ'. Devil May Cry Column. Capcom Co., Ltd. Archived from the original on March 6, 2010. Retrieved July 17, 2010.
- ^ abcHideki Kamiya (July 2001). 'The Story of the Scenario'. Devil May Cry Column. Capcom Co., Ltd. Archived from the original on March 6, 2010. Retrieved July 17, 2010.
- ^Minoru Funatsu (April 11, 2001). 'カプコン、深作欣二監督を招き「クロックタワー3」を制作' [Clock Tower 3 produced invited to Capcom, directed by Kinji fukasaku. Hope charm is different from the resident evil]. GAME Watch. Impress Watch Corporation. Retrieved July 8, 2010.
- ^Devil May Cry Graphic Edition. Kadokawa Shoten. December 2001. ISBN978-4-04-707071-4.
- ^Hideki Kamiya [@PG_kamiya] (September 19, 2010). 'But in the 1st plot the hero's name was Tony' (Tweet). Retrieved July 13, 2015 – via Twitter.
- ^Hideki Kamiya (July 2001). '背景' [Background]. Devil May Cry Column. Capcom Co., Ltd. Archived from the original on March 6, 2010. Retrieved July 17, 2010.
- ^James Mielke (August 18, 2006). 'Retro/Active: Hideki Kamiya – The Okami Family Tree'. UGO Entertainment, Inc. Archived from the original on June 5, 2012. Retrieved July 20, 2008.
- ^Douglass C. Perry (May 17, 2001). 'E3 2001: Interview with Shinji Mikami'. IGN. Retrieved July 20, 2008.
- ^Hideki Kamiya [@PG_kamiya] (September 22, 2010). 'No, almost the same RT @ashukan_san: @PG_kamiya DMC had a few characters. I wonder were there more characters in your first plot Biohazard4?' (Tweet). Retrieved July 13, 2015 – via Twitter.
- ^Hideki Kamiya [@PG_kamiya] (September 20, 2010). 'She was a hero's mother only in the first plot. RT @ashukan_san @PG_kamiya If she's not Eva, who is she then? what's her name?' (Tweet). Retrieved July 13, 2015 – via Twitter.
- ^Hideki Kamiya [@PG_kamiya] (September 19, 2010). 'Hero's father in a 1st plot, I think. RT @ashukan_san @PG_kamiya who is this guy in yourBiohazard4' (Tweet). Retrieved July 13, 2015 – via Twitter.
- ^Hideki Kamiya [@PG_kamiya] (September 19, 2010). 'Hmm..I don't remember, sorry..RT @ashukan_san @PG_kamiya Can you please tell me his name' (Tweet). Retrieved July 13, 2015 – via Twitter.
- ^Hideki Kamiya [@PG_kamiya] (September 19, 2010). 'Oh, now I remember. His name was Lord Spencer' (Tweet). Retrieved July 13, 2015 – via Twitter.
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Die ersten Arbeiten an Resident Evil 4 haben bereits Ende 2001 begonnen. Die Teamgröße fluktuiert je nach Entwicklungsstand, derzeit arbeiten etwa 60 Mann an dem Titel. [..] Hiroyuki Kobayashi: Es war nicht einfach, das Team bei Laune zu halten, nachdem wir die Richtung des Spiels so radikal verändert hatten. Als die Entscheidung getroffen wurde, das Spiel actionlastiger zu gestalten, war die Stimmung im Team schon sehr gedrückt. / The first work on Resident Evil 4 already begun at the end of 2001. The size of team varies depending on the stage of development, about 60 people are working on the title at the moment. [..] Hiroyuki Kobayashi: It was not easy to keep the team going after we changed the direction of the game so radically. When it was decided to make the game more action-oriented, the team felt really depressed.
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The game the whole world has been waiting for will finally be unveiled. The story takes place deep inside the very heart of Umbrella, the evil company responsible for the Progenitor Virus. The main character of Resident Evil 2, Leon S. Kennedy, is back in the game. What will Umbrella have in store for him this time? That 'surprise' will push Leon to the very limits of his being for one purpose..the STRUGGLE to survive. Director / Hiroshi Shibata
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I remember playing Resident Evil Zero and said to myself that this is just more of the same.. This is why I wanted to change the system. With the new system, I once again feel nervous and scared when I play it.
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The staff, which includes myself and of course Shinji Mikami, decided that we wanted to go in a new direction and re-create the series. We were tired of making the same stuff as well. We wanted to make something new and original. And that's how it started.
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The Umbrella Corporation is no more. 'It's the only thing that makes sense if you think about it,' explains Resident Evil 4 producer Hiroyuki Kobayshi. 'Why would the U.S. government allow a company that developed the T-virus, and in the end forced them to destroy an entire city, to continue to exist? They wouldn't. Hence the rationale for Umbrella going away after RE3.' [..] 'Right from the start, we wanted to do something new and innovative for the series, so Mikami issued an order to the team: 'I want to totally re-create how the polygons, the camera, everything looks.' But, every time the staff tried to do it without his direction, they only came out with little minor changes. Nothing major. Perhaps they were too afraid to take this series that he created and totally change it. But anyway, he stepped in and showed what he wanted.'
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External links[edit]
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