Pengertian Aplikasi Pengolah Angka Microsoft Excel

  1. Pengertian Aplikasi Pengolah Angka
  2. Pengertian Software Aplikasi
  • Microsoft Excel Microsoft Excel adalah aplikasi pengolah angka yang dikeluarkan oleh Microsoft Corporation. Perusahaan perangkat lunak terbesar di dunia. Microsoft memiliki fitur-fitur yang memungkinkannya diintegrasikan dengan aplikasi Microsoft Office lainnya. Microsoft Excel tampil dengan format Workbook yang tersusun atas beberapa sheet.
  • Jan 21, 2014  StarOffice Calc, merupakan aplikasi pengolah angka (spreadsheet) yang bersifat multiplatfom. Kelebihan dari StarOffice Calc adalah kemampuanya untuk mengklarifikasi data yang ditempakan di lembaran kerja dan membantu pengguna untuk membuat grafik dari data tersebut. Selain itu adalah kemampuannya mengkonversi.

Jul 27, 2010 - Microsoft Office Excel (singkatnya kita sebut excel saja) adalah aplikasi office pengolah angka/data (spreadsheet) paling popular saat ini dan. Cinema 4d visualize serial key full.

Bab. 1 Perangkat Lunak Pengolah angkaWhat's new in Microsoft Office Word 2007What's new in Microsoft Office Word 2007Microsoft Office Word 2007 helps you produce professional-looking documents by providing a comprehensive set of tools for creating and formatting your document in the new Microsoft Office Fluent user interface. Rich review, commenting, and comparison capabilities help you quickly gather and manage feedback from colleagues. Advanced data integration ensures that documents stay connected to important sources of business information.Download a free trial buttonBuy the 2007 Office release buttonWhat do you want to do? Create professional-looking documents Share documents confidently Go beyond documents Recover from computer problemsCreate professional-looking documentsOffice Word 2007 provides editing and reviewing tools for creating polished documents more easily than ever before.Spend more time writing, less time formattingThe new Ribbon, a component of the Office Fluent user interface, groups your tools by task, and the commands you use most frequently are close at hand.Word Home tabCallout 1 Tabs are designed to be task-oriented.Callout 2 Groups within each tab break a task into subtasks.Callout 3 Command buttons in each group carry out a command or display a menu of commands.The new, results-oriented Office Fluent user interface presents tools to you, in a clear and organized fashion, when you need them: Save time and get more out of the powerful Word capabilities by selecting from galleries of predefined styles, table formats, list formats, graphical effects, and more. The Fluent user interface eliminates the guesswork when you apply formatting to your document. The galleries of formatting choices give you a live visual preview of the formatting in your document before you commit to making a change.Show me Demo button Live Preview in Word documentAssistance Problems watching the video? Try our troubleshooting tips.Add preformatted elements with just a few clicksCover Page galleryOffice Word 2007 introduces building blocks for adding preformatted content to your documents: When you are working on a document from a particular template type, such as a report, you can select from a gallery of preformatted cover pages, pull quotes, and headers and footers to make your document look more polished. If you want to customize the preformatted content, or if your organization often uses the same piece of content, such as legal disclaimer text or customer contact information, you can create your own building blocks that you select from the gallery with a single click.Show me Demo button Galleries in Word 2007Assistance Problems watching the video? Try our troubleshooting tips.Communicate more effectively with high-impact graphicsSmartArt graphic with slide text and layout galleryNew charting and diagramming features include three-dimensional shapes, transparency, drop shadows, and other effects.Show me Demo button SmartArt options in Word 2007Assistance Problems watching the video? Try our troubleshooting tips.Instantly apply a new look and feel to your documentsWhen your company updates its look, you can instantly follow suit in your documents. By using Quick Styles and Document Themes, you can quickly change the appearance of text, tables, and graphics throughout your document to match your preferred style or color scheme.Easily avoid spelling errorsWhen you are writing a document for others to see, you certainly don't want spelling errors to detract from your message or to undermine your professionalism. New features of the spelling checker make it easier for you to distribute your work with confidence: The spelling checker is now more consistent across the 2007 Microsoft Office system programs. Examples of this change include: Several spelling checker options are now global. If you change one of these options in one Office program, that option is also changed for all the other Office programs. For more information, see Change the way spelling and grammar checking work. In addition to sharing the same custom dictionaries, all programs can manage them by using the same dialog box. For more information, see Use custom dictionaries to add words to the spelling checker. The 2007 Microsoft Office system spelling checker includes the post-reform French dictionary. In Microsoft Office 2003, this was an add-in that had to be separately installed. For more information, see Change the way spelling and grammar checking work. An exclusion dictionary is automatically created for a language the first time that language is used. Exclusion dictionaries let you force the spelling checker to flag words that you want to avoid using. They are handy for avoiding words that are obscene or that don't match your style guide. For more information, see Use exclusion dictionaries to specify a preferred spelling for a word. The spelling checker can find and flag some contextual spelling errors. Have you ever typed a mistake similar to the following? I will see you their. In Office Word 2007, you can enable the Use contextual spelling option to get help with finding and fixing this type of mistake. This option is available when checking the spelling of documents in English, German, or Spanish. For more information, see Choose how spelling and grammar checking work. You can disable spelling and grammar checking for a document or for all documents that you create.Top of Page Top of PageShare documents confidentlyWhen you send a draft of a document to your colleagues for their input, Office Word 2007 helps you efficiently collect and manage their revisions and comments. When you are ready to publish the document, Office Word 2007 helps you ensure that any unresolved revisions and comments aren't still lurking in the published document.Quickly compare two versions of a documentCompare and combine documentsOffice Word 2007 makes it easy to find out what changes were made to a document. When you compare and combine documents, you can see both versions of the document — with the deleted, inserted, and moved text clearly marked in a third version of the document.Find and remove hidden metadata and personal information in documentsBefore you share your document with other people, you can use the Document Inspector to check the document for hidden metadata, personal information, or content that may be stored in the document. The Document Inspector can find and remove information like comments, versions, tracked changes, ink annotations, document properties, document management server information, hidden text, custom XML data, and information in headers and footers. The Document Inspector can help you ensure that the documents you share with other people do not contain any hidden personal information or any hidden content that your organization might not want distributed. Additionally, your organization can customize the Document Inspector to add checks for additional types of hidden content.Show me Demo button Document Inspector in Word documentAssistance Problems watching the video? Try our troubleshooting tips.Add a digital signature or signature line to your documentsDocument with signed signatures linesYou can help provide assurance as to the authenticity, integrity, and origin of your document by adding a digital signature to the document. In Office Word 2007, either you can add an invisible digital signature to a document, or you can insert a Microsoft Office Signature Line to capture a visible representation of a signature along with a digital signature.The ability to capture digital signatures by using signature lines in Office documents makes it possible for organizations to use paperless signing processes for documents like contracts or other agreements. Unlike signatures on paper, digital signatures provide a record of exactly what was signed, and they allow the signature to be verified in the future.Convert your Word documents to PDF or XPSOffice Word 2007 supports exporting your file to the following formats: Portable Document Format (PDF) PDF is a fixed-layout electronic file format that preserves document formatting and enables file sharing. The PDF format ensures that when the file is viewed online or printed, it retains exactly the format that you intended, and that data in the file cannot be easily changed. The PDF format is also useful for documents that will be reproduced by using commercial printing methods. XML Paper Specification (XPS) XPS is an electronic file format that preserves document formatting and enables file sharing. The XPS format ensures that when the file is viewed online or printed, it retains exactly the format that you intended, and that data in the file cannot be easily changed.For more information, see one of the following articles: Save a file in PDF format Save a file in XPS formatInstantly detect documents that contain embedded macrosOffice Word 2007 uses a separate file format (.docm) for macro-enabled documents, so you can instantly tell whether a file is capable of running any embedded macros.Prevent changes to a final version of a documentMark As Final commandBefore you share a final version of a document with other people, you can use the Mark as Final command to make the document read-only and communicate to other people that you are sharing a final version of the document. When a document is marked as final, its typing, editing commands, and proofing marks are disabled, and people who view the document cannot inadvertently change the document. The Mark as Final command is not a security feature. Anyone can edit a document that is marked as final by turning off Mark as Final.Top of Page Top of PageGo beyond documentsNow more than ever, when computers and files are interconnected, it pays to store documents in files that are slim, sturdy, and supportive of a wide variety of platforms. To meet this need, the 2007 Office release achieves a new stage in its evolution of XML support. The new XML-based file format enables Office Word 2007 files to be smaller, more robust, and deeply integrated with information systems and external data sources.Reduce file sizes and improve corruption recoveryThe new Word XML format is a compressed, segmented file format that offers a dramatic reduction in file size and helps ensure that damaged or corrupted files can be easily recovered.Connect your documents to business informationIn your business, you create documents to communicate important business data. You can save time and reduce the risk of error by automating the process of this communication. Create dynamic smart documents that update themselves by using new document controls and data binding to connect to your back-end systems.Manage document properties in the Document Information PanelThe Document Information Panel makes it easy to view and edit document properties while you work on your Word document. The Document Information Panel is displayed at the top of your document in Word. You can use the Document Information Panel to view and edit both standard Microsoft Office document properties and properties for files that are saved to a document management server. If you use the Document Information Panel to edit the document properties for a server document, the updated properties will be saved directly to the server.For example, you may have a server that keeps track of a document's editorial status. When you put the finishing touches on a document, you can open the Document Information Panel to change the document's editorial status from Draft to Final. When you save the document back on the server, the change in editorial status is updated on the server.If you store document templates in a library on a Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 server, the library might include custom properties that store information about the templates. For example, your organization may require you to categorize documents in the library by filling in a Category property. By using the Document Information Panel, you can edit properties like this directly within the Word environment.Top of Page Top of PageRecover from computer problemsThe 2007 Microsoft Office system provides improved tools for recovering your work in the event of a problem in Office Word 2007.Office DiagnosticsMicrosoft Office Diagnostics is a series of diagnostic tests that can help you to discover why your computer is crashing. The diagnostic tests can solve some problems directly and may identify ways that you can solve other problems. Microsoft Office Diagnostics replaces the following Microsoft Office 2003 features: Detect and Repair, and Microsoft Office Application Recovery.For more information, see Diagnose and repair crashing Office programs by using Office Diagnostics.Program recoveryOffice Word 2007 has improved capabilities to help avoid losing work when the program closes abnormally. Whenever possible, Word tries to recover some aspects of the state of the program after Word restarts.For example, you are working on several files at the same time. Each file is open in a different window with specific data visible in each window. Word crashes. When you restart Word, it opens the files and restores the windows to the way they were before Word crashed. macam-macam perangkat lunak pengolah angkaMacam-Macam Aplikasi Pengolah Angka1. kspread 5. Abacus 9. Lotus 1-2-32. StarOffice Calc 6. WingZ 10. Microsoft Excel3. OpenOffice Calc 7. XESS4. Gnumeric 8. Xxl1. Kspread, merupakan aplikasi pengolah angka (spreadsheet) yang bersifat open source dan multiplatform. Jika kita menginginkan aplikasi ini, maka aplikasi ini dapat didownload di Berikut ini adalah tampilan dari Kspread.kspreadKelebihan KSpread yaitu :§ Tampilannya yang dilengkapi dengan menu-menu dan tombol-tombol sehingga mudah digunakan.§ Dilengkapi dengan berbagai kemampuan dan fitur-fitur yang dibutuhkan dari sebuah aplikasi pengolah angka.§ Dilengkapi dengan kemampuan untuk menggunakan banyak table dan lembaran kerja dalam satu dokumen.§ Mempunyai banyak format grafik.§ Dilengkapi dengan lebih dari 100 fungsi untuk melakukan operasi perhitungan.§ Mempunyai kemampuan untuk mengurutkan data.2. StarOffice Calc, merupakan aplikasi pengolah angka (spreadsheet) yang bersifatmultiplatfom. Kelebihan dari StarOffice Calc adalah kemampuanya untuk mengklarifikasi data yang ditempakan di lembaran kerja dan membantu pengguna untuk membuat grafik dari data tersebut. Selain itu adalah kemampuannya mengkonversi data dengan aplikasi pengolah angka lain.staroffice-calc1Kelebihan StarOffice calc yaitu :§ Kemampuannya untuk mengenali dan mengklarifikasi data yang ditempatkan di lembaran kerja dan membantu penggunaknya untuk membuat grafik dari data tersebut sehingga lebih mudah dikomunikasikan dengan orang lain.§ Dapat mengkonversi file yang dihasilkannya menjadi dokumen Microsoft excel.3. OpenOffice Calc, adalah aplikasi pengolah angka yang besifat open source danmulti platform. OpenOffice Calc cenderung lebih mudah digunakan karena tombolnya yang didesain sedemikian rupa sehingga mudah dijalankan. Kita dapat men-download aplikasi ini dari kemampuan dan fitur yang dimiliki oleh OpenOffice Calc :§ Menyimpan dokumen dalam bentuk PDF .§ Menyimpan file dokumen dalam format yang dapat dibuka dan diedit oleh Microsoft Exel .4. Gnumeric, adalah aplikasi pengolah angka yang merupakan keluarga dari GNOME Office. Gnumeric bersifat open source dan multiplatform. Gnumeric memiliki tampilan GUI yang user friendly di mana jendela Gnumeric dilengkapi dengan menu-menu dan tombol-tombol toolbar.gnumericBeberapa kemampuan dan fitur yang dimiliki oleh Gnumeric :§ Memiliki 95% fungsi-fungsi yang terdapat pada Microsoft Excel.§ Mencetak lembaran kerja dengan format tertentu dan dilengkapi dengan header.§ Dapat menggunakan format file XML.5. Abacus, adalah aplikasi pengolah angka yang hanya membutuhkan memori kecil dan sangat mudah digunakan. Awalnya Abacus dikembangkan sebaggai proyek mahasiswa di Universitas IST, Portugal di bawah bimbingan Prof. Arlindo Oliveira. Abacus memiliki tampilan yang sangat mudah untuk digunakan layaknya aplikasi pengolah angka yang lain.Beberapa kemampuan dan fitur yang dimiliki oleh Abacus :§ Lembaran kerja banyak namun jumlahnya dibatasi oleh ketersediaan pada memori computer.§ Fungsi-fungsi standar termasuk fungsi statistik, matematika, keuangan dan juga interface berbentuk menu yang memudahkan pengguna menyalin persamaaan .6. WingZ, adalah program aplikasi pengolah angka yang bersifat multiplatform. Kelebihan dari wingz adalah sifatnya yang freeware meski dibatasi hanya untuk penggunaan non komersial dan tidak untuk dijual kembali.wing7. XESS, adalah aplikasi pengolah angka yang dibuat oleh AIS (Applied Information System - XESS bersifat multiplatform. XESS dibuat dalam versi yaitu “enterprise” untuk penggunaan di tingkat perusahaan, dan “lite” untuk pengguna perorangan. Kelemahan yang dimiliki oleh XESS adalah harganya yang sangat mahal, harga XESS standar dijual dengan harga $495 dan XESSPlus dengan harga $595, sdangkan Miicrosoft Excel hanya $229.xessKelebihan XESS yaitu :§ Kemampuan untuk mengimpor file dari Excel dan Lotus.§ Dapat memberikan penanggalan dari tahun 1601 hingga 3999 serta kemampuan untuk menggunakan format tanggal dan waktu yang diatur oleh pengguna.§ Dapat mengaktifkan beberapa lembar kerja secara bersamaan.8. Xxl, adalah aplikasi pengolah angka yang dikembangkan oleh Universitas Nice dan dapat dijalankan dikomputer dengan system Unix. Xxl mempunyai tampilan GUI yang sederhana dan mudah digunakan. Kelebihan dari Xxl adalah aplikasi ini dilengkapi dengan fungsi-fungsi kompleks yang tidak ada di aplikasi pengolah angka lain pada umumnya, karena fungsi-fungsi tersebut memang jarang digunakan oleh pengguna pada umumnya.Beberapa kemampuan dan fitur yang dimiliki oleh Xxl :§ Dapat menggunakn acuan relative dan mutlak untuk mengacu ke sel atau selang sel tertentu.§ Memiliki fungsi aritmatika, statistic, logika, waktu, dan teks.§ Mengekspor file dokumen ke format postscript, HTML, LaTeX, dll.9. Lotus 1-2-3, merupakan aplikasi pengolah angka yang dikeluarkan oleh IBM. Aplikasi yang termasuk dalam Lotus SmartSuite adalah Lotus Word Pro, Lotus 1-2-3, Lotus Freelance Graphics, Lotus Approach, Lotus Organizer, Lotus FastSite,dan Lotus SmartCenter. Aplikasi ini HANYA dapat di oprasikan di system operasi Windows. Lotus juga dapat mempertukarkan dokumen dengan aplikasi lain seperti Excel.lotus-1-2-3Beberapa kemampuan dan fitur yang dimiliki oleh Lotus 1-2-3 :§ Rhybd§ Mtnu§ Tmi§ uyt10. Microsoft Excel, adalah aplikasi pengolah angka yang dikeluarkan oleh Microsoft, perusahaan perangkat lunak terbesar didunia. Microsoft Excel HANYA dapat di gunakan dengan system operasi Windows. Microsoft Excel dilengkapi dengan kemampuan dan fitur yang tidak dimiliki oleh aplikasi pengola angka yang lain. Excel dapat digunakan secara online, misalnya menu help yang dapat diakses melalui internet.excel1Pengertian Program Pengolah Angka Beserta ContohnyaA. PengertianPerangkat aplikasi pengolah angka adalah program yang difungsikan untuk mengolah data berupa angka. Kemampuan aplikasi ini, antara lain: pembuatan tabel data, pengolahan data dengan melibatkan penggunaan rumus, grafik, database, dan Iain-Iain. Dalam hal ini, angka yang sering muncul di bidang bisnis, ilmiah, perencanaan, pembuatan statistik, pembuatan lembar kerja, pengelolaan angka untuk perhitungan sebuah data (basis data) dan grafik.B. Macam-macam Perangkat Lunak Pengolah AngkaMacam-macam perangkat lunak pengolah angka antara lain : Kspread, Star Office Calc, Open Office Calc, GNOME – GNumeric, Xess, Lotus 123, Microsoft Excel. Adapun yang sekarang banyak digunakan masyarakat adalah Microsoft Excel.1. KspreadKspread merupakan aplikasi pengolah angka (spreadsheet) yang bersifat open source dan multiplatform. Open Source berarti kita dapat mendownload secara gratis dari internet dan menggunakannya secara bebas.Lembar kerja Kspread2. StarOffice CalcStarOffice Calc merupakan aplikasi pengolah angka yang dikembangkan oleh Sun Microsystem. StarOffice Calc adalah aplikasi pengolah angka yang bersifat multiplatform, yang berarti dapat dijalankan di berbagai sistem operasi termasuk Linux, Solaris, Unix, dan WindowsLembar kerja StarOffice Calc3. Open Office CalcOpenOffice Calc adalah aplikasi pengolah angka yang besifat open source (dapat dibuka melalui sistem operasi apa saja). Open Office Calc adalah program spreadsheet yang dapat dipergunakan untuk membuat daftar memelihara record, dan menganalisis data. Open Office Calc dapat digunakan untuk mengelola data dalam bentuk spreadsheet, menggunakan rumus untuk melakukan perhitungan data, dan menampilkan hasil dalam bentuk grafik. Dokumen Open Office Calc disebut spreadsheet. Pada saat membuka spreadsheet baru akan disediakan 3 sheets, yaitu Sheetl, Sheet2, Sheet3, dan kita dapat menambah atau mengurangi sheet yang ada. Model tampilan OpenOffice Calc hampir mirip dengan prograr Microsoft Excel.Lembar kerja OpenOffice Calc4. GNOME Office – GnumericGnumeric adalah aplikasi pengolah angka yang merupakan keluarga dari GNOME Office. Gnumeric bersifat open source. Gnumeric memiliki tampilan yang user friendly di mana jendela Gnumeric dilengkapi dengan menu-menu dan tombol-tombol toolbar.Lembar kerja GNOME Office - GNUMERIC5. AbacusAbacus adalah aplikasi pengolah angka yang hanya membutuhkan memori kecil dan sangat mudah digunakan. Awalnya Abacus dikembangkan sebaggai proyek mahasiswa di Universitas IST, Portugal di bawah bimbingan Prof. Arlindo Oliveira.Lembar kerja Abacus6. XESSXESS adalah aplikasi pengolah angka yang dibuat oleh AIS (Applied Information System – dan dapat dijalankan dikomputer dengan sistem UNIX, Linux, Open VMS dan Windows.Lembar kerja XESS7. Lotus 123Lotus 123 merupakan aplikasi pengolah angka yang dikeluarkan IBM. Lotus 123 dikeluarkan dalam satu paket bersama-sama aplikasi Office lainya dan dikenal dengan nama Lotus SmartSuite. Lotus 123 merupakan program spreadsheet yang bekerja di bawah kendali sistem operasi DOS Namun pada perkembangan terakhir program lotus mulai digunakan pada program Windows dengar hadirnya software Lotus 123 for Windows. Program ini sempat tenar dan banyak digunakan oler masyarakat dunia di era tahun 80-an.Lembar kerja Lotus 1238. Microsoft ExcelMicrosoft Excel adalah aplikasi pengolah angka yang dikeluarkan oleh Microsoft Corporation. Perusahaan perangkat lunak terbesar di dunia. Microsoft memiliki fitur-fitur yang memungkinkannya diintegrasikan dengan aplikasi Microsoft Office lainnya. Microsoft Excel tampil dengan format Workbook yang tersusun atas beberapa sheet. Setiap sheet terdiri atas cell-cell sebagai ruang data. Setiap cell hanya mampu menampung 1 data saja. Microsoft Exce/merupakan paket program Microsoft Office yang berfungsi untuk mengolah data angka. Karena memiliki kemudahan dalam penggunaan dan banyaknya fasiiitas maka program ini banyak digunakan oleh masyarakat dunia. Beberapa versi Microsoft Excel sesuai dengan paket Microsoft Office yang dikeluarkan oleh Microsoft. Microsoft Excel ditunjang dengan berbagai fasiiitas kemampuan seperti pengolahan data, tabel, rumus, grafik, database, dan Iain-Iain.Lembar kerja Microsoft Excel 2003Lembar kerja Microsoft Excel 2003Lembar kerja Microsoft Excel 2007Lembar kerja Microsoft Excel 2007Microsoft Excel Versi 1.0 dapat dijalankan pada komputer IBM PC dengan Micro Processor 80486. Kemudian Microsoft Excel versi 2.0. Microsoft Excel 2000 yang untuk selanjutnya disingkat Excel 2000 merupakan program aplikasi spreadsheet (lembar kerja elektronik). Excel 2000 merupakan pengembangan dari Microsoft Excel versi sebelumnya dengan tujuan agar program aplikasi spreadsheet (lembar kerja elektronik) ini lebih mudah digunakan dan dapat dimanfaatkan semua fasilitas yang ada pada sistem jaringan baik internet maupun intranet.Tahun 1990 Microsoft Corporation memperkenalkan Microsoft Excel versi 3.0 yang menampilkan window-nya yang tiga dimensi dan mendukung penggunaan memori. Kemudian pada tanggal 6 April 1992, Microsoft Corporation telah mengeluarkan Microsoft Excel 3.1.Pada tanggal 24 Agustus 1995 Microsoft Corporation secara resmi mengeluarkan versi terbarunya dengan nama Microsoft Excel ’95 dan diteruskan dengan versi Microsoft Excel ’97 serta dalam tahap penyempurnaan akan dikeluarkan pula Microsoft Excel 2003 sedangkan kini telah ada Microsoft Excel 2007 serta 2010
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KSpread is processing a number of applications (spreadsheet) that is open source and multiplatform. Open Source means that we are allowed to change the code to add features to the program. Multiplatform means it can run on different operating systems.
2.StarOffice Calc
StarOffice Calc spreadsheets are applications that are multiplatform. StarOffice Calc has the ability to identify and clarify the data placed on the work sheet and help users to create charts from the data.
3.OpenOffice Calc
OpenOffice Calc spreadsheets is an application that is open source and multiplatform. OpenOffice Calc has a display window that is equipped with the menus and toolbar buttons, and designed to be easily used Research.
Gnumeric is processing application numbers that are members of the GNOME Office and is open source and multiplatform. Gnumeric is an application processing a number of high quality developed in the project GNOME Office.
Abacus is a processing application requires only the numbers of memory is small and very easy to use. This application awanya developed as a student project at the University IST, Portugal.

Pengertian Aplikasi Pengolah Angka

WingZ is angkayang processing application program is multiplatform and freeware although restricted to non-commercial use and not for resale.
WingZ processing application is not just a regular number. WingZ is engolah application number that comes with the tools to analyze the dynamic data with complete functions in the field of statistics, engineering, and finance as well as by the availability of multiplayer matrix work sheet.

Pengertian Software Aplikasi

XESS is processing a number of applications made ​​by AIS and is multiplatform. XESS issued in two versions, the version made ​​for peggunaan enterprise level companies and the Lite version is intended for individual users. For enterprise level users, XESS issued with 3 sorts of options. That XESS equipped with standard functions and is compatible with Lotus and Excel.XessPlus equipped with the ability to use Micro Add-Ins, and XessSDK equipped with the ability to do the programming.
Xxl is processing a number of applications developed by the University of Nice and can djialankan in computers using the Unix operating system.
Pengertian Aplikasi Pengolah Angka Microsoft Excel
XXL has a GUI which is simple and easy to use. GUI is also equipped with complex functions that exist in alikasi tdak other number crunchers in general. Because these functions are rarely used by general users.
9.Lotus 1-2-3
Lotus 1-2-3 is a processing application to figures released by IBM and can be run on computers using Windows operating systems.
Lotus 1-2-3 has the ability to exchange documents with other applications such as Excel spreadsheets and the application of the oldest. Processing application-generated numbers latter designed to kompartibel with documents generated by Lotus 1-2-3.
10.Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel adalaha processing application figures released by Microsoft, the world's largest software company. Microsoft Excel can only run on the Windows operating system and not on other operating systems.
Excel has a view that comes with the menus and toolbar buttons that allows users to execute commands that he wanted.
Excel window is also equipped with Ttask Pane that allows users to seek help and assistance from the Help Excel Online, all this makes Excel is an application that is easy to use.
Excel is processing a number of applications most widely used. Therefore, other applications are built to be kompartibel to excel document.
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